Monday, March 30, 2009

End of the month part 2

I actually made it this month! I am here at the end of the month, and still have enough to make for dinner on the last day of the month!! I am super proud of myself. I actually budgeted my resources this month to actually make it!!! Hooray!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time Flies...

So, my youngest turned 2 on Tuesday... Gosh, it doesn't seem like it's been that long. But then, sometimes it feels as though a lifetime has gone by in that short amount of time. I have watched her grow from a wiggling bundle of skin and hair, to an articulate, sunny little person, and it never ceases to amaze me how much she has changed in just 24 short months. Certain things it seems she learned to do overnight, while others took quite a bit longer. Dad, did it seem that way with us? Blink and you miss it all? I never ceases to amaze me. It was the same with my older daughter, but then I missed much of her life. My own fault, of course, but still... And now it seems that she is progressing by leaps and bounds. I am so proud of her! But I regret the time I didn't have with her. I know that life is not about regret, but fixing your mistakes, but I watch what is happening with the younger one and I can't help but feel that I missed out... That's really selfish isn't it? Horrible, but that's how I feel. I make no apologies. I know that she missed out on time with me as well, but the time she would have had with me would have been tainted, and irreparable, and that's not what I want a relationship with my kids to be about. I don't know if any of this makes sense, but it feels better to get it out. And as I really can't remember to write in a journal, this is the closest thing I have...

-As always, I love you Dad. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

Monday, March 16, 2009


There are very few traditions I follow with any sort of regularity... Birthdays are big, as are Mother's Day, Father's Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas(when finances allow.) One of these that I have followed most of my life is the feast of St. Patrick. The traditional dinner of Corned Beef, cabbage, and red potatoes. I don't remember the first time I had this meal, and I don't remember how many of these I have cooked. I do know that there have been some years when I could not prepare this meal due to whatever difficulties I was facing at the time. I also know that this is definitely a tradition I would like to pass on to my kids, so that they will have something that they can call a family tradition. As I can't remember much of my life, I feel that this is something that we did often, during my childhood, but I cannot say for certain. I have the feeling that we did, and this is probably a well reasoned assumption, but an assumption nonetheless. I just feel as though this is something that I can do to give my kids fond memories of their family heritage, rather than blank spots in their memories...

Sorry, I was rambling. Too much coffee, and the yellow onions carried me away... I can't wait to sink my teeth into that juicy meat tomorrow. As always, I love you Dad! Hope your feast goes well.